A Change of Seasons

by Dream Theater

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:11 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


A Change of Seasons

Song Author

Mike Portnoy

Tabbed by



1st → Voz
2nd → Guitarra I
3rd → Coros
4th → Bajo
5th → Guitarra II
6th → Sintetizador
7th → Piano
8th → Percusi�n
9th → Pad/�rgano

File Size

424 KB




I re-mem-ber a time My frail vir-gin mind Watched the crim-son sun- rise i-mag-ined what it might find Life was filled with won-der I felt the warm wind blow i must ex-plore the bund -a-ries Tran-scend the depth of win-ter's snow I-nno-cence ca-res-ing me I ne-ver felt so young be-fore There was so much life in me Still I longed to search for more But those days are gone now changed like a leaf on a tree Blown a-way for ev-er in-to the cool au-tum breeze The snow has now fall-en and my sun's not so bright I Strug-gle to hold on with the last of my might In my den of in-eg-vi-ty vi-cious-ness and sub-tle-ty strug-gle to ease the pain strug-gle to find the sane Ig-no-rance sur-roun-ding me I ne-ver feel so filled of fear All my life's been drained from me The end is draw-ing near I'll al-ways re-mem- ber The chill of no-vem- ber The news of the fall The sounds in the hall The clock on the wall tick-ing a- (way) "Seize the day" I heard him say Life will not al-ways be this way Look a-rownd Hear the sounds Cher-ish your life while you're still a- round We can learn from the past But those days are we can hope for the fu- ture but there might not be one The words stuck in my mind a-live from what i've learned I have to seize the day To home I re-turned Pre-pa-ring for her flight I held with all my might Fear-ing my deep-est fright She walked in-to the night She turned for one last look She looked me in the eye I said "I love you" So far o so it seems all is lost with no-thing for fear Off the pages and the T. V. screen A-noth-er world where no-things true Trip-ping through the life fan-tas-tic Lose a step and ne-ver get up Left a-lone with a cold blank stare I felt like giv-ing up I was blin-ded by a pa-ra- dise U-to-pi-a high in the sky A dream that on-ly drowed me Deep in sor- row won-der-ing why Oh come let us a-dore him A-buse and then ig- nore him No mat-ter what don't let him be Let's feed up-on his mis-er-y Then string him up for all the world to see I'm sick of all you hy-po-crites hold-ing me at bay And I dont need your sym-pa-thy to get me through the day Sea-sons change and so can I Hold on boy no time to cry Un-tie this strings I'm clim- bing down I won't let them push me a-way Oh come let us a-dore him A-buse and then ig-nore- him No mat-ter what don't let him be Let's feed up-on his mis- er-y Now it's time for then to deal with me I'm much wiser now A life-time of mem- o-ries run through my head They taught me how for bet-ter or worse a-liev or dead I re-a-lize there's no tur-ning back Life goes on off-beat-en track ha I sit down with my son Set to see the Crim-son Sun-rise Man-y years have come and gone I've lived my life but now must go on He is my on-ly one now that my time has come Now that my life is done We look in-to the sun "Seize the day and don't you cry Now it's time to say good-bye E-ven though I'll be gone I will live on" Live